113-1 學期 住宿申請表
113-1 Semester-Dorm Application


依據本校「宿舍輔導及管理辦法」規定, 本校九年級會考班及十年級下學期至十二年級上學期全體學生均須統一住宿。 為安排學生宿舍床位與交通運輸需要,敬請貴家長配合填妥表單,以利後續作業安排,謝謝您的支持與配合。

  1. ※如未於期限內完成申請,系統會將您的孩子直接排入113-1學期的住宿名單中,謝謝您的協助與配合。

  1. 居住在校區週邊 4 公里以內者(須檢附居住證明)。
  2. 因特殊疾病須長期在家療養者(須檢附醫院證明)。


According to the “Regulation of Dormitory Management,” starting from their G10 second semester until G12 first semester and SP G9 students, all students are required to live at dorm. Therefore, we kindly ask you to complete the application form. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation.

  1. Failure to do so will result in the system automatically putting you on the residency list.
  2. A guaranteed spot will be given to every G9 SP student and students who are in between G10 2nd semester to G12 1st semester.

【Refuse an application of dormitory】
  1. If your children meet one of the following conditions, they do not need to stay at dormitories. Please complete the “Application to Reject Residency in KCIS Dormitory Form” and attach relevant documents
    1. Living within 4 km of the campus. (residence certificate required)
    2. Having a personal illness that needs special treatment or extra caring (medical certificate required).


學號(school ID):
身分證字號(ID Number):  


For further detailed information about our dorm, please visit Kang Chiao's official home page of Linkuo Campus, student dormitory council, or please consult Student Dormitory Council by phone
(02)8512-8242. Thank you.
Student Dormitory Concil (SDC), Department Office of Student Affairs / 學務處舍務組
Phone No. / 聯絡電話:(02) 8512-8242(林老師)
E-mail / 信箱:leolin@kcislk.ntpc.edu.tw
DSA Dormitory Section Teacher/ 舍務專員:林宣甫老師